all know emergencies never take a day off. We all know for each one of
us claimed, another has to step up to continue taking care of our fellow
citizens. Our job is to protect and to serve. Our job is to care for
the injured, to help those who need it, and to take down the beast known
to us as fire. This beast tries to claim whatever and whomever it can.
We all have a call to duty, which we have sworn to perform."
The long-awaited first book of 'THE HOLY FLAME TRILOGY: THE CALL TO DUTY' is finally out in paperback and ebook.
Booklocker (Free Exerpt): http://booklocker.com/books/6972.html BN.com: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/books/1116257060?ean=9781626464711
Amazon: http://bit.ly/13ZKClM http://www.amazon.com/Call-Duty-Holy-Flame-Trilogy/dp/1626464715/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1375290645&sr=1-1&keywords=C.J.+Peterson+The+Call+To+Duty
EBOOK ($2.99):
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00EBIEIE6
BARNES & NOBLE: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-call-to-duty-c-j-peterson/1116257060?ean=2940148654018&itm=1&usri=2940148654018
BOOKLOCKER (FREE EXCERPT): http://booklocker.com/6972
iTUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/call-to-duty-holy-flame-trilogy/id683867629
A portion of the proceeds to this book are going to a special non-profit group that is close to my heart. The AIRBORNE ANGEL CADETS OF TEXAS send packages overseas to the soldiers, so they know they are never forgotten. The volunteers of this group have a tremendous heart in taking care of those who stand up for our freedoms. You can find more information on them at: http://www.airborneangelcadets.com
Brave. Fearless. Valiant. These synonyms are often used to describe
firefighters/paramedics, police officers, and military personnel. They
face danger and lay their lives on the line when they leave for work.
What are their struggles? Could that hinder their job proficiency? Who
is taking care of those who are taking care of the citizens of this
country?Casey Carter is a 'newbie' to the firefighting family of Engine Company 15. Not only does she have to prove herself as a probationary firefighter, but she also has to battle misconceptions of females within her newly chosen profession. As situations begin to arise, can she count on the firefighter brotherhood to have her back? Will she be able to pass the tests placed before her, or are there aspects that she was not even aware existed?
Often in life there are two realms in play. There is the physical realm - what is right before you; the other is the spiritual realm - what is unseen. Each can directly affect you, whether you believe they exist or not. Can Casey keep them in balance when she is not exactly sure what she is fighting? Can a group of men help her see what cannot be readily seen, hear what cannot be readily heard, and be able to overcome what she never knew existed? Will they be able to show Casey her true Call To Duty?
Ephesians 6:12-13:
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.