“The attacks of September 11th were intended to break our spirit.
Instead we have emerged stronger and more unified. We feel renewed
devotion to the principles of political, economic, and religious
freedom, the rule of law and respect for human life. We are more
determined than
ever to live our lives in freedom.”
-Rudolph Giuliani, former mayor of New York City
“Time is passing. Yet, for the United States of America, there will be
no forgetting September the 11th. We will remember every rescuer who
died in honor. We will remember every family that lives in grief. We
will remember the fire and ash, the last phone calls, the funerals of
the children.” -President George W. Bush, November 11, 2001
Where were you?
11SEP2001 at 0846 - Flight 11 crashes at roughly 466 mph into the north face of the North Tower
On 10SEP, the radios were discussing when the 'War of the Worlds' was broadcast on the radio, and how people panicked throughout the United States. The next morning I was getting ready for work, 350 miles from NYC, when I got a knock on my door. My neighbor was panicked and asked if I had turned on the radio. I told her I did and that it was a really sick joke about the plane hitting the tower. Imagine my shock when she told me to turn the television on and I found out it was real. My heart sunk and my stomach churned as I watched the events slowly unfold that morning.
11SEP2001 at 0903 - Flight 175 crashes at about 590 mph into the south face of the South Tower between floors 77 and 85.
It was at that point that the world understood that it was not an accident. It was at that point that foreign terrorism struck the heart of NYC. People stood in lines to give blood. People joined the military to fight the war on terror. Things changed throughout the Unites States that we are still faced with even today.
11SEP2001 at 0937 - Flight 77 crashes into the western side of the Pentagon at 530 mph and starts a violent fire.
Those events are forever cemented in the minds of those who experienced the loss, not only personally, but those in the country who were alive and remember the vivid details. The country was forever changed on that day. With the support felt around the world, the President declared a war on terror that is still being fought today. There were FAA regulations put in place that are still implemented on flights today.
11SEP2001 at 10:03 - Flight 93 is crashed by it's hijackers and passengers at 583 mph due to fighting in the cockpit in Somerset County, PA.
The question is, do you remember it? As the next generation comes up, it is our job to remind them as to what happened on that day. We need to remind them as to why we as a country needs to stay vigilant. We also need to remind ourselves as to why there were lines to the blood banks on that day. We need to remind ourselves why people volunteers for days and weeks on end to go through the rubble, with hopes of finding people alive. We need to remind ourselves that almost 3000 lives were lost that day.
My challenge to you this SEPTEMBER 11th is to tell your story. Where were you on 11SEPTEMBER 2001?
I can promise you that even at work on that day, my eyes were glued to the television. I can promise you that as that last plane was still missing that I was in prayer for every family who suffered a loss. I was in prayer for those brave men and women of the Police and Fire Departments, along with some military members, who ran into the towers to help those they could...and some who lost their lives. I can promise you that I am still in prayer for those in the government who are making decisions for our countries citizens. I can also promise you that when I think of 11SEP, I have a pride when I remember that the country united and banded together to help everyone through those disastrous events that forever not only changed the skyline of New York City, but the heart of a country as well.
Where were you?