Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Love Yourself

Love Yourself

This day and age everyone is trying to be like everyone else. What people sometimes forget, is that you were created to be an original. Without these original geniuses, where would the world be:
- Charles Dickens had MAJOR OCD, but still managed to produce wonderful works of literature that we enjoy even today.
- Albert Einstein had a developmental speech disorder when he was younger, but turned into one of the most brilliant minds in our country.
- Sigmund Frued struggled with addiction and depression, yet he had some brilliant ideas in the field of psychology. (Some, not so much unsure emoticon )
- Ben Franklin often started his days with an 'air bath' (stood in front of an open window without clothing), was a drunk, and a womanizer, yet he is one of our founding fathers.
- Nikola Tesla despite the fact that he had OCD, and later became obsessed with the number 3, he made major breakthroughs in radio, robotics, and electricity.
- Vincent Van Gogh suffered from severe depression, alcoholism, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, but today his creations are still in high demand.
Why did I mention this group of brilliant individuals? Simple. The world today says in order to be famous or a success, we must look and act a certain way. While during their time, these guys may have not had the best reputation, the world has definitely changed, and been made a better place because they decided to be who they were created to be. Who are YOU created to be? Are you being yourself, or what the world thinks you should be?
God created you for a purpose. You were created to deliver the gift He created in you for a reason. First, though, you MUST learn to love yourself. Love the gift He gave you. And, be brave enough to step up and share it with the world!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Scars Are Skin Deep

Scars Are Skin Deep, Memories Penatrate The Core, Freedom Is Not Free 


HMCS (NAC/FMF) Trevor Dallas-Orr

This is a poem written by my husband that I wanted to share for Memorial Day. He wrote it Memorial Day 2008 with the intention of remembering those who gave their life in service for our freedom. Know those who serve our country past, present, and are not forgotten:

Navy, Marine, Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, and National Guard:

I call you brothers, sisters, friends lost and found.
May you leave this earth to a place that knows no bounds.

Stopping to eat a bowl of 'Chili' with meat.
As I wait for someone to greet.

Will they show?
I may never know.

How many hours will I have to weep?
Nights in bed with little sleep.

How many gave their all?
For nothing at all.

Scars are merely skin deep.
Memories penetrate the core so deep.

They gave me medals while fighting for cause.
However, none of us do it for want of applause.

So long as there are those that are willing to pay.
Freedom for all is our only way in this grand country ..... USA.

We love this country more than our wife.
And will give it our all, even our life.

Remember those that serve this Memorial Day.
Life of freedom is the only way.


Written By:
Trevor Dallas-Orr
Senior Chief United States Navy

**While this was posted last Memorial Day, I felt pressed to share this again.
"All gave some, Some gave All"**

Thursday, May 21, 2015

A Warrior’s Heart

Warrior’s Heart By: 
HMCS (NAC/FMF) Trevor Dallas-Orr

Please forgive me for volunteering to go to Iraq.
I had no clue that I would almost break my back.
I did it because it was the right thing for our freedom and land.
My conscience tugged on me to go help those and offer a hand.
Was it the right thing to do for my career?
I had no clue it would leave a constant ringing in my ear.
I did not do it to be a hero to some of my friends.
Hopefully, they remember those that are now near the end.
The choice was made to defend our way of life.
Then why has the decision caused such strife?
They gave me medals to pin on my chest.
But I simply did it because I was trying my best.
Keep the fight away from my family and those I love.
Sometimes there are those that are taken from above.
We lost friends, brothers, sisters, fathers and mothers.
It was done for a cause nobler than another.
I saw the people that were smiling and give a thankful wave.
How many of them did we actually save?
We flew over them at such a great speed.
Simply trying to do another good deed.
There were those that were injured and covered in bright red.
Could we save them and keep them from the dead?
I see the images of their faces all covered in blood.
Is that why I feel like I am stuck in the mud?
I wonder why my heart aches when I see a mother cry.
Was it because her son was the one that had to die?
We live in this land of freedom taken for granted.
There are so many of them that simply chanted.
I now shed so many tears trying to avoid the pain.
Please tell me GOD… was it all in vain?
However, if I could I would do it again.
Despite the fact that it caused such a stain.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Storms of Life

When the storms of life hit, are you ready? These will undoubtedly hit, but are you prepared? Who is your Captain? Is He experienced? How much experience does your crew have? How many newbie sailors are on board with you (or is it you)? When you are sailing, there is a pre-sail checklist to do, which will also include knowing where all your safety equipment is on board the ship.
So, in your mind, allow us to take a trip...
It's a beautiful, sunny day for your first trip out. Your Captain is a strong sailor, who has sailed these seven seas all His life. He designed and built this ship, so He's aware of every nook and cranny, and has hand-picked His crew, knowing their strengths and weaknesses. He pairs you with a weathered sailor for your rookie trip out. This is a person with whom you connect immediately. You both have similar stories in your background, but he has the sailing experience you don't. As a matter of fact, he's the one who introduced you to the Captain, knowing the Captain would be good for you and would take care of you. You see, you've had a rough background, and you couldn't give a fleeting thought about anyone else in the world. Trust was a luxury you couldn't afford, but you have to eat, so you allow yourself to have maybe a 'mustard seed' size of trust in this Captain. At the very least, you can have food in your belly each day.
As the boat is cast off, there is a slight breeze, allowing the boat to sail calmly out into the ocean. The first few days are smooth, which allow your trainer to show you many different aspects of the boat, as well as the 'what to do when...' list. 
On day four, the Captain calls you to Him. The way He maneuvers the boat, allows Him to also speak with you and get to know you. The Captain has a lot of insight in the world, how it works, and He shares many stories from the past in His sailing around the world. You drink up His words and enjoy your time with Him. He allows you to soak in His stories and experiences for several days before it happens. 
You are woken up early in the morning by your trainer. There is a storm on the horizon, and the crew has to get ready and brace for it. With your heart racing, you run up on deck with the rest of the crew. You listen carefully to your trainer as he shows you how to use the radio, how to put on your lifejacket, and how to use the windward jackline. Afterward, you work with the crew to clear the deck and secure everything that could potentially move. 
As you work, you suddenly realize just how dark it is around you. Even though it is only two in the afternoon, it looks as if it is ten o'clock at night. The clouds churn above you, threatening to open up any minute. You work as fast as you can as your heart races out of control. The pounding of your heartbeat almost deafens you, while many dangerous and deadly scenarios play out in your mind.
Feeling the Captain's rough and weathered hand thump on your shoulder, you turn to look into His eyes. They are tender and calm as He gently asks, "Do you you not remember all those stories I shared with you? Do you not know Who created this vessel and Who its Captain is?"
"Yes-yes, sir," you stammer.
"Then know that I will not let anyone out of My sight until we are clear of this storm. Things will happen that will terrify you. You will see things that will freeze you in its wake. When you get scared, I only ask you to do one thing."
Remembering the stories He shared, you stand confidently, and say, "Anything You ask, sir."
He crouches down, eye level with you. "When you feel like you can't go on, when you lose sight of the security beneath you, when the storm rages so badly that you can't even see your crew mates, I ask only for you to look to Me. I will take care of you. I need you to trust in Me that I will get us through this. Without the trust of the crew for the Captain, the boat will sink. If you have to come all the way up to Me, and sit with Me at the helm, then so be it. This is your first storm. After this, your trust will multiply with each storm you go through. You will become more confident in Me as we go through each one. I have hand picked this crew, knowing their strengths and weaknesses. They will help you in areas where you are weak, and you will help them in the areas where you are strong. That's how it works. Trust them. Trust Me."
With renewed vigor, you salute Him, and say with more boldness, "I do trust you, Sir. I trust the crew you have given me as well."
Resting both His hands on your shoulders, He reminds you, "I will never leave you, nor forsake you. You are one of Mine now. You are part of My family. Trust Me."
"I will, sir, but I may make mistakes."
"You may, but  that's life and you will survive. Keep in mind that at the end of this storm, you will live again."
With that, He leaves for the helm to continue preparations. As soon as the Captain disappears, your trainer is instantly at your side, guiding and directing your steps, reminding you of what to do when situations happen, when suddenly the clouds break open.
Tossing the ship to and fro, you hold on for dear life! As the waves drop the ship below, into their cavernous depths, and propel the ship toward its peaks at mind-boggling rates of speed, terrifying would have been a calm word! It was during one of those plummets into the depths that you feel the boat tilt to the side where you are secured. With the water inches from your face, you look toward the helm and see the Captain through the window. Tears fill your eyes as you see the room glow. Pulling and tugging your way, you slip several times before you reach the helm.
Your lifeline snaps just as a hand appears before you, reaching down toward you. Before you fall into the churning seas below, you grasp His hand, holding on for dear life. 
Dangling in the air, the only thing holding you onto the ship was the hand of the Captain. "I've got you! I will never let you go!" He shouts, and pulls you to the helm with Him. "Hold onto something! We're almost through!"
You look around, panic-stricken. "How can you tell?"
With a look of peace, He gently explains, "I've been through many a storm. I have guided many through safely, and I will not give up until we are through this. I am your Captain. Trust Me."