Friday, May 22, 2015

Scars Are Skin Deep

Scars Are Skin Deep, Memories Penatrate The Core, Freedom Is Not Free 


HMCS (NAC/FMF) Trevor Dallas-Orr

This is a poem written by my husband that I wanted to share for Memorial Day. He wrote it Memorial Day 2008 with the intention of remembering those who gave their life in service for our freedom. Know those who serve our country past, present, and are not forgotten:

Navy, Marine, Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, and National Guard:

I call you brothers, sisters, friends lost and found.
May you leave this earth to a place that knows no bounds.

Stopping to eat a bowl of 'Chili' with meat.
As I wait for someone to greet.

Will they show?
I may never know.

How many hours will I have to weep?
Nights in bed with little sleep.

How many gave their all?
For nothing at all.

Scars are merely skin deep.
Memories penetrate the core so deep.

They gave me medals while fighting for cause.
However, none of us do it for want of applause.

So long as there are those that are willing to pay.
Freedom for all is our only way in this grand country ..... USA.

We love this country more than our wife.
And will give it our all, even our life.

Remember those that serve this Memorial Day.
Life of freedom is the only way.


Written By:
Trevor Dallas-Orr
Senior Chief United States Navy

**While this was posted last Memorial Day, I felt pressed to share this again.
"All gave some, Some gave All"**

Thursday, May 21, 2015

A Warrior’s Heart

Warrior’s Heart By: 
HMCS (NAC/FMF) Trevor Dallas-Orr

Please forgive me for volunteering to go to Iraq.
I had no clue that I would almost break my back.
I did it because it was the right thing for our freedom and land.
My conscience tugged on me to go help those and offer a hand.
Was it the right thing to do for my career?
I had no clue it would leave a constant ringing in my ear.
I did not do it to be a hero to some of my friends.
Hopefully, they remember those that are now near the end.
The choice was made to defend our way of life.
Then why has the decision caused such strife?
They gave me medals to pin on my chest.
But I simply did it because I was trying my best.
Keep the fight away from my family and those I love.
Sometimes there are those that are taken from above.
We lost friends, brothers, sisters, fathers and mothers.
It was done for a cause nobler than another.
I saw the people that were smiling and give a thankful wave.
How many of them did we actually save?
We flew over them at such a great speed.
Simply trying to do another good deed.
There were those that were injured and covered in bright red.
Could we save them and keep them from the dead?
I see the images of their faces all covered in blood.
Is that why I feel like I am stuck in the mud?
I wonder why my heart aches when I see a mother cry.
Was it because her son was the one that had to die?
We live in this land of freedom taken for granted.
There are so many of them that simply chanted.
I now shed so many tears trying to avoid the pain.
Please tell me GOD… was it all in vain?
However, if I could I would do it again.
Despite the fact that it caused such a stain.