In The Stillness…
By: C.J. Peterson
In this chaotic world, do you take any time to relax and enjoy the world around you? There are birds singing, squirrels gathering, deer enjoying their afternoon meal, and any other myriad of forestland creatures indulging in what nature has to offer…are you?
As the world continues momentum toward its reliance on computers, and the concrete jungles, how do you find peace? How do you center yourself? When you go on vacation, are you actually on vacation, or are you running around, trying to do everything, or thinking about work?
When I think about peace and stillness, there are two verses that come to mind:
Psalm 46:10 – “He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
Exodus 14:14 – “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”
Hmmm…looks to me as if God wants us to be still and rest in Him. In the stillness, we can connect with Him. When things are crazy, or you’re terrified, you can find peace in the stillness of Him.My challenge to you (and myself) is to find some time for yourself to be with God each and every day. Make it above and beyond your devotional and prayer time. Just close your eyes and soak in His presence. It will allow you to recharge and find your center in God. Let Him help you find peace…in the stillness.