When I think of pearls, there are two very different verses that come to mind…yet, they are both somewhat connected. The first is, Matthew 13:45-46, “Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.” The second is, Matthew 7:6, “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.”
Coincidently, both have to do with your value and self-worth. The first verse shows that you are a pearl of great value. Jesus found you, and gave everything, including His life, to ‘buy you.’ Your value is so high, there was not even a monetary price that could be paid. He had to give His life to secure you.
With that thought in mind, the second verse comes into play. He paid for you with His life. You are worth that much. Why do we let others treat us as ‘less than’? Our value and worth rest solely in Jesus. We are a pearl of great price. Why then, do we sometimes throw our pearls before swine? Why do we feel that it is okay to be talked down to, or abused, or talked to in a manner that is disrespectful? Why do we listen to others who talk down to us?
When we value ourselves, and see ourselves the way The Father and Jesus see us, our whole world changes. We are princes and princesses of The Kingdom. Would anyone be able to disrespect the prince/princess of any kingdom? Why do we let others do that to us? Do the prince and princess just sit behind the walls doing their own thing? No. They are trained to represent the kingdom. They are taught and educated to be ambassadors when sent out. They fight for, and look after their kingdom. They take their responsibilities seriously. When they find people from another town, or from outlying areas being attacked, they go out and get them and bring them back to the safety of the kingdom. When they see and injustice done to one from their kingdom, they don’t hesitate to put a stop to it. That is our job as princes and princesses of the Kingdom of God. We are to look out for each other. We are to be ambassadors for the Lord. We are to go out and get those who are hurt, battered, or beaten. We are to do this all while representing The Kingdom.
We are children of Lord God Almighty! We were bought with the blood of Jesus!
We are all pearls of great price!
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