Monday, November 26, 2018

The Most Precious Gift

People rushing around, not understanding the reason;
Don’t have any comprehension that this is the Season.

A baby born, wrapped in swaddling clothes,
To be a sacrifice, he was willing to pose.

A gift to the world of the most sacrificial love;
A gift, that often uses the symbol of a dove.

Peace on Earth, good will toward men;
Doing everything humanly possible to do all that they can.

They don’t understand, it’s not what they do;
They don’t understand, they don’t have a clue.

The Father – giving of His Child;
The Son – making a sacrifice that is hardly mild.

The crucifixion – a place hardly of glory;
The Resurrection – our saving grace story!

The most precious gift, that only Jesus could give;
The perfect blood sacrifice, so that in eternity, with Him, we will live!

C.J. Peterson (DEC2011) 

John 15:13 - Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. 

Jesus is the reason for the season! Share His love with another today!!

Friday, November 9, 2018

Pearl of Great Price

When I think of pearls, there are two very different verses that come to mind…yet, they are both somewhat connected. The first is, Matthew 13:45-46, “Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.” The second is, Matthew 7:6, “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.”
Coincidently, both have to do with your value and self-worth. The first verse shows that you are a pearl of great value. Jesus found you, and gave everything, including His life, to ‘buy you.’ Your value is so high, there was not even a monetary price that could be paid. He had to give His life to secure you. 
With that thought in mind, the second verse comes into play. He paid for you with His life. You are worth that much. Why do we let others treat us as ‘less than’? Our value and worth rest solely in Jesus. We are a pearl of great price. Why then, do we sometimes throw our pearls before swine? Why do we feel that it is okay to be talked down to, or abused, or talked to in a manner that is disrespectful? Why do we listen to others who talk down to us?
When we value ourselves, and see ourselves the way The Father and Jesus see us, our whole world changes. We are princes and princesses of The Kingdom. Would anyone be able to disrespect the prince/princess of any kingdom? Why do we let others do that to us? Do the prince and princess just sit behind the walls doing their own thing? No. They are trained to represent the kingdom. They are taught and educated to be ambassadors when sent out. They fight for, and look after their kingdom. They take their responsibilities seriously. When they find people from another town, or from outlying areas being attacked, they go out and get them and bring them back to the safety of the kingdom. When they see and injustice done to one from their kingdom, they don’t hesitate to put a stop to it. That is our job as princes and princesses of the Kingdom of God. We are to look out for each other. We are to be ambassadors for the Lord. We are to go out and get those who are hurt, battered, or beaten. We are to do this all while representing The Kingdom.

We are children of Lord God Almighty! We were bought with the blood of Jesus!
We are all pearls of great price!

Saturday, October 13, 2018

In The Stillness...

In The Stillness… 
By: C.J. Peterson

In this chaotic world, do you take any time to relax and enjoy the world around you? There are birds singing, squirrels gathering, deer enjoying their afternoon meal, and any other myriad of forestland creatures indulging in what nature has to offer…are you?
As the world continues momentum toward its reliance on computers, and the concrete jungles, how do you find peace? How do you center yourself? When you go on vacation, are you actually on vacation, or are you running around, trying to do everything, or thinking about work?
When I think about peace and stillness, there are two verses that come to mind:

Psalm 46:10 – “He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

Exodus 14:14 – “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

Hmmm…looks to me as if God wants us to be still and rest in Him. In the stillness, we can connect with Him. When things are crazy, or you’re terrified, you can find peace in the stillness of Him.My challenge to you (and myself) is to find some time for yourself to be with God each and every day. Make it above and beyond your devotional and prayer time. Just close your eyes and soak in His presence. It will allow you to recharge and find your center in God. Let Him help you find peace…in the stillness.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Peace, Be Still

Do me a favor and look around. Are you working? Is everything getting done on time at work? Do you still have a stack full of work to do? How long is the list? When you go home, is all the laundry finished and put away? Are the dishes done? When was the last time the bathroom and kitchen were cleaned? Are the bedrooms swept and the beds made? What about church? Are you ready to go? Do you have everything you’ll need? Is your mind in the proper place to go sit at the feet of God to listen what He has for you to learn on that day? What about devotions? Are you taking the time to be with Him each day? Are you focused on Him while you are doing your devotions or is your phone going off?
Over the last century, our society has taken massive leaps and bounds forward in technology. Is that progress, or is it a hindrance? Now, bear with me a minute here. I know medically, electronically, and by just about every other definition, it’s progress. However, it almost creates a perfect storm of distraction. What do I mean by that? If we are kept too busy, at what point to we focus on God? When we do, is it quiet? Is the radio on? Is the television on? Is our phone going off?
When was the last time you just “were”? When was the last time you sat quietly, soaking in everything the Lord has created…with nothing else on your mind? 
Pretend for a moment that you close your eyes. What do you see? Nothing. What do you hear? There’s the air conditioner, the clock…wait, what is that? You hear the wind chimes tingling. They have been all day, you’ve just been to busy to hear them. You hear the birds taking a bath in the birdbath, or chasing each other around in your yard. Again, they have been doing that all day too. They’re actually to the point of settling as it reaches the hottest part of the day. 
You walk outside and close your eyes again. What else do you hear? The leaves are rustling. The squirrels are tree hopping, stealing from each other, and bickering at each other. You hear something else, and look over to see a deer and her baby walking in the woods next to your house. You turn the other way, and see one drinking from the birdbath. You suddenly notice the colorful flowers, with their pops of color standing out in the fresh cut lawn. You also see the vegetables growing in your garden. The trees have already started to shift into autumn. 
Nature is moving without you even paying attention! What all have you missed, because you were too busy?
Seriously, slow down. Enjoy the peace and quiet. Soak in the Lord and His works. Sit with Jesus, and let Him calm the storm around you. The more you do this, the better you will feel. Don’t let the rushing around take over, so your life is being lived almost on autopilot. We are told to live to the fullest. John 10:10 reminds us that, The thief cometh not but to steal and to kill and to destroy. I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
Slow down and live life more abundantly! Doe Zantamata has a beautiful quote that says, “Taking time to do nothing, often brings life into perspective.” 
Take the time. Your friends, your family, and youwill thank yourself for it!
Mark 4:39, “And He arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.”