Monday, May 27, 2013

The Price of Freedom

Memorial Day is traditionally 'a day off', 'a day for bar-b-ques and fun,' but what is it truly about? Some people take the freedom we have in the United States for granted. After all, isn't it something we are used to or even entitled to? What would happen if we woke up one day and realized we no longer have the freedom we were supposed to have? That they have been slowly and methodically taken away from us? The freedom to future generations had a steep price that our military is currently fighting for. Those who have fought in the past and risked their lives and many have even lost their lives were willing to do so, because they knew the importance of those freedoms.
If you have ever visited a third world country, as I have had the privilege of an extended stay in two, you would appreciate America so much more. To have the freedom to say what is on your mind and to protest the wrongs in hopes of making them right - you have utilized the 'Freedom of Speech' Amendment. To carry a gun where you don't feel safe, or even the privilege of owning one where a lot of other countries do not have that right - you are utilizing the 'Right to Keep and Bear Arms' Amendment. When you can demand that the government has a search warrant, where there are many countries who are at the mercy of their government - you are utilizing the 'Right of Search and Seizure' Amendment. What I am basically saying is to keep watch and don't let someone take your rights away from you. There have been many men and women who have fought for and many who have given their lives so you can have those opportunities.
Freedom is never free. There is a price that must be paid. The cost of something fought for holds a higher value than something freely given.
Remember this Memorial Day those who have come before you and paved the way for you to enjoy the freedoms you hold dear. May God bless those in the military and the families of those in the military who understand the true cost of freedom...Until they all come home!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Journey of a Thousand Miles

While growing up, we all had dreams. Some wanted to be a nurse, a doctor, a firefighter, a soldier, a veterinarian, even an astronaut, or President of the United States. As we journey through our days sometimes our mind gets clouded, we get stressed, and we get lost. We forget why we are here. 

Why do our dreams that were once our focus, begin to be just that...dreams? Life happens. A rough relationship with parents or a former dating partner. Your spouse who you vowed your life to cheats on you, and your life begins to spiral out of control. A job you put stock in for retirement has to let you go, and you need to find new work at the age of fifty. There are precious young children relying on you to adjust your focus as you gratefully care for them, and as you shape and guide them through adolescence. What was once your dreams and focus is now put on a back shelf, to you seemingly out of reach.

We all have a life to live and a purpose to be on this earth. Take some time to remember why God placed you here, at this time in history. He has given us each a gift to give to the world. Are you too busy to fulfill your purpose? Do you even know what your purpose is, or are you just surviving day to day? You are never too far for God to help you. Remember, a journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. Take the chance, make the move, discover your future, remember your dreams...and go for it!