Saturday, May 4, 2013

Journey of a Thousand Miles

While growing up, we all had dreams. Some wanted to be a nurse, a doctor, a firefighter, a soldier, a veterinarian, even an astronaut, or President of the United States. As we journey through our days sometimes our mind gets clouded, we get stressed, and we get lost. We forget why we are here. 

Why do our dreams that were once our focus, begin to be just that...dreams? Life happens. A rough relationship with parents or a former dating partner. Your spouse who you vowed your life to cheats on you, and your life begins to spiral out of control. A job you put stock in for retirement has to let you go, and you need to find new work at the age of fifty. There are precious young children relying on you to adjust your focus as you gratefully care for them, and as you shape and guide them through adolescence. What was once your dreams and focus is now put on a back shelf, to you seemingly out of reach.

We all have a life to live and a purpose to be on this earth. Take some time to remember why God placed you here, at this time in history. He has given us each a gift to give to the world. Are you too busy to fulfill your purpose? Do you even know what your purpose is, or are you just surviving day to day? You are never too far for God to help you. Remember, a journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. Take the chance, make the move, discover your future, remember your dreams...and go for it!

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